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Are you behind on filing quarterly payroll tax reports or delinquent on your payment of payroll taxes?
As a business owner or self-employed individual, you are required by the IRS to withhold payroll taxes and forward them along with the employer’s portion to the IRS within a specified timeframe. Payroll Taxes are the Social Security and Medicare Taxes (also called FICA) as well as Income Taxes you withhold from your employees’ paychecks.
The IRS is extremely aggressive in collecting payroll taxes and can put your business in jeopardy if you do not stay current with the reports and payments.
If you are behind with the reports and payments, the IRS can and will
Do not risk putting your business in peril simply because you might be late in filing the quarterly reports and pay the payroll taxes. Allow the Tax Professionals at Donald Graf & Associates to do your regular filing for you so you can spend your valuable time on growing and expanding your business.
Our Consultants will work with you to understand and follow the payroll tax obligations and stay in compliance with your taxes.
Schedule a free consultation appointment today.